Social media marketing
Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, etc to promote its product and services. It provides the opportunity to succeed in new customers, engages with existing customers, and promotes their culture. We are going to discuss one of the foremost popular and relevant social media marketing app which has a professional approach that is LinkedIn.
What is LinkedIn?
LinkedIn can be called as a social networking website/platform where professional people connect. LinkedIn is that the best and therefore the most professional social media for the business. This application is best fitted to job seekers and business to business marketing.
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Users and employees
In India, there are 45,028,066 users of LinkedIn. It is one of the largest professional networks with approx 700 million users. The subsequent year it reported more than 500 million members in about 200 countries.
In 2016 LinkedIn became one of the foremost popular websites within the world.
History and headquarters
LinkedIn was officially launched on May 5, 2003, in an exceeding lounge of co-founder REID HOFFMAN.
2003 – LinkedIn was launched in global market
2005 – Revenue was introduced in LinkedIn
2007 – Dan Nye took over as the Chief Executive Officer of LinkedIn
2009 – Jeff Weiner had joined LinkedIn as the president and the chief executive officer of LinkedIn.
2014 – Linked in launched officially in china in Chinese
2015 – Became one of the top 10 most popularly used website/platform in the world
2017 – LinkedIn has 500 million users and job postings are 10 million.
It is headquartered in San Francisco, there are about 33 offices globally around different parts of the world.
LinkedIn Marketing
LinkedIn is the forgotten social media platform. Being still considered to be a kind of social media. Perhaps the most important difference when comparing LinkedIn to other social media marketing platforms is its efficiency for B to B that is business to business marketing. It is available in about 20 languages
LinkedIn is a professional networking platform and it has all the features of a great marketing opportunity provider
It gives you an opportunity to build a page that displays your product and services. Clients and vendors can follow your page.
LinkedIn launches a group that is related to your business. It attracts a significant amount of traffic. It reaches your target audience through targeted advertising.
Benefits of the LinkedIn marketing
1. Target audience
For business communication everyone is there on LinkedIn for B to B marketing. It gives you an advantage of choosing your target audience to whom you want to show up your ads, products and services.
2. Build your reputation
Present your band and make contact with experts from your field. Since your target audience is there, you can directly address them with the content and maintain communication with them.
3. Awareness
By using LinkedIn marketing, the audience will have an awareness of your product and services. Brand awareness is the most important thing to build up brand image in the market. LinkedIn gives you this opportunity to make your brand awareness among people.
4. Build your professional network
If you want to build your professional network, LinkedIn is the most relevant platform. It helps you to build your network with people as well as professional people.
5. Follow companies
It is brilliant tool for researching organizations and people that work at them. You can choose this to target people within your network that work for organizations that you really want to work.
5 LinkedIn Marketing Pro Tips
Profile: Make sure that your LinkedIn profile is complete and up to date with all fields, as this will show genuineness in your profile and allow more visitors.
Posting Schedule: Posts have to be posted at least once a week to keep the audience engaged and increase your visibility for followers to connect.
Re-share your top content: If you go out of latest contents then re-share your top contents in the past to keep your followers engaged.
Engage employees: Ask your employees to connect or follow your LinkedIn page so that it gives out more information about your company through the LinkedIn page.
Top Management: Ask your top management personnel to post on LinkedIn about their thoughts by tagging your company page in order to draw in more people to visit your LinkedIn profile page.
Why LinkedIn can be a best platform for marketing?
LinkedIn is a very advanced technology with a huge amount of genuine users and businesses who are looking to expand both globally and locally. There are few other platforms as well which can be used for the marketing, but LinkedIn offers much wider reach and data security. Some of the tools have been under the radar for data breaching and confidentiality problems and that’s why the people are leaving those platforms and are now using LinkedIn.
LinkedIn also consists of verified trusted users with a good reputation who likes to keep on updating their profile with success. So one can be sure that LinkedIn will give them genuine people who they can trust. For business purposes, you can be sure with LinkedIn users and their respective feedbacks are genuine. Building a great reputation on the LinkedIn is good for the Businesses on the professional front. The opportunities are huge, you just need to find the right audience and LinkedIn will help you take you to your targeted audience. LinkedIn has a lot of advantages explained below:
B2B Marketing becomes stronger with LinkedIn
LinkedIn consists of the present and past companies of the employees as people mention their previous experiences on their profile as well as the current companies they are working for. Companies connections are very essential for marketing as they will be able to generate more leads and marketing tactics. You will be able to see the companies and industries, your connection is working for and their location across the globe. Based on the data you will be able to target your advertising audience with ease. Based on your company services and products you can know which connections fit well for you.
B2C Networking become Easy
LinkedIn offers you to connect with the number of consumers directly with absolute professionalism. By posting regular engaging content on your profile, you can build a strong connection base. By posting interesting content on the profile we can encourage more connections to regularly visit our profile. This will help in increasing the connection base on LinkedIn and more direct interactions with consumer. Direct interaction with the customer build the trust for the brand among the people. More and more people would like to connect with your brand name and hence it can prove to be the best marketing tool for your business growth.
Multi-layer Targeting of people
LinkedIn also helps you to target the specific range of people you want to connect with. For example, if you wish to target only the people who are sitting in the best position of the company like people with director authority. You can simply do it by searching with a filter of your choice. Similarly, you can also target people with the desired skills you want to search for. If you are looking for a person with matching skill of your requirement you can directly target them and approach them for your job/plan. LinkedIn offers you to search your candidate based on the skills they have and LinkedIn also shows the rating of the skills of that person so it becomes easy for you. Now when you have good data you can go ahead with the selection procedure.
Lots of Information
LinkedIn offers a wide variety of company-specific information. LinkedIn has a smart algorithms system which allows us to run a paid ad to the targeted audience. The ads can run through the targeted audience with the help of an email address taken from the companies contacts. This marketing will help you to reach a lot amount of audiences with less effort. The LinkedIn audiences are very much transparent, hence they mention all their official details which include the companies they earlier worked for and the company they are working right now. So you have a lot of information about your targeted audience and you can select your target based on the service you offer.
It is easy to get the details on their profile and accordingly you can run the advertisement. An engaging advertisement will do the work for you and if he likes the service, his further sharing will help to target more. This can help you increase your leads list and the sales potential of your service/product.
Sponsored Email
With other platforms, the chances that your targeted person will be opening a sponsored advertisement are very less and also that person might block your company from its profile. However, Users appreciate LinkedIn emails and have good business value. This is because LinkedIn is a brand that people trust these days for authenticity. This happens because when you put the email on LinkedIn you only put the relevant topics that your targeted person needs to know. The list you have created earlier will now come in use and only the interest of that person will be listed in the email. One of the best benefits of LinkedIn email is that the mail is sent only when your audience is online actually. This increases the chances of overall response and open rates of email.
Business mindset
While people uses other platforms for fun, to socialize, chat and to watch videos. LinkedIn is completely different than that platforms. There are more professional people on LinkedIn who are here for jobs and business opportunities. People in the LinkedIn are looking for the valuable information, job leads or for taking their career to the top level. This signifies that the people who are using LinkedIn are better target for your business needs. People here have greater chances that they will see your add as long as they are relevant to them.
The ads should be engaging and clear so that people can actually see your product or services and can directly contact you for details. LinkedIn marketing is a great source for content marketing as the ads are only shown to them who are actually interested as the algorithms of the LinkedIn are quite strong. LinkedIn also allows you to generate a form for lead generation which are simple and easy to fill.
Qualified leads
People filling out the lead generation form in LinkedIn have more chances of becoming a qualified lead. The leads generation forms filled out on other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram are less qualified than that on LinkedIn. Since LinkedIn users are always working on improving themselves so there are high chances that when they get your free whitepaper they will subscribe to your email and will come regularly looking for the content. LinkedIn consists of professionals who are always looking for opportunities. If the service you offer are of use to them they will certainly respond in an active manner. So the chances are huge as this platform is also a very trustable platform for both parties hence a good relationship can be formed via this platform.
Better Customer Satisfaction
Customers are directly in contact with you so the overall customer satisfaction ultimately increases. LinkedIn allows you to send the message directly to your customer, it will help you to create a number of surveys regarding your service and also you can thank them directly for their loyalty. This will help you to improve and also the customer would love to see the change you made by their recommendations. This will help in building a strong customer base for your service. Solving the queries on LinkedIn on a professional front attracts lots of customers. A good LinkedIn profile is an asset to any business. The paid advertising for this platform is even better for social engagement. Targeting options are more which will ensure that you reach your desired customer base.
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