Pinterest ads

Pinterest is a social media network in which users can pin the images related to anything like images of goods, products, services, and share with other users. They can also browse images and discover different images of their interest. Pinterest allows you to search for any interest or hobby you are looking for. It also provides the link to a webpage and generally helps in driving traffic and sales. In comparison to Instagram, Pinterest marketing is the most powerful marketing strategy because it allows you to add a link to your web page with each pin.

Pinterest is safe to use, you just have to write your name, age, mail id and you do not have to write about your financial information so you have very; little think to compromise about. There are users who fill up the details honestly but there are also the users who fill their false information and can disguise themselves as others and can also spam others. You should connect with only those whom you know personally. If you are looking for some ideas or some information then Pinterest is the best platform.

Benefits of Pinterest Marketing

Ever since Pinterest launched it has created a lot of buzzes. When it launched it became the most popular social media. It is a beneficial app for business and its several qualities make it unique and better than the rest of the social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.


A business that has effective content on Pinterest has more chances to get traffic. Sharing blogs is helpful in getting traffic, it has the capability to drive huge traffic on your site. All images in Pinterest provide a link to the original source of image and users ends up coming to your website. Pinterest makes work easy by connecting all the visitors with a common interest online.


There are a great number of inbound links present on Pinterest. There is an option to pin, you can add save button to your website. Whenever users see an attractive image, they will pin the link and may decide later to purchase the product. They can even copy and paste the link and share it among their acquaintances, this will increase the brand awareness of the firm.


When a user finds the image they were looking for then they will pin your image. When they pin your image, it is visible to others too. Of all the users there can be a small section of users who might get interested too in that pinned image, then they will pin too. when they too pin your image, then it reaches a large section of users and it goes on and on. You will get a huge number of visitors to your website. You just have to do one thing, you should be able to create an effective visual and useful description beneath it.

Helps in Empowering your brand

Pinterest has the capacity to empower your brand. You should know how to create beautiful images and how to write content relevant to visitors. You must also make it easy for users to navigate your page. For instance, if your company manufactures different kinds of products and services then you should properly categorize them according to their characteristics. Then it would be very easy for visitot=rs to surf your website. You can also post as many pictures of products and services and add pitching lines with them. through this, you will witness a large number of visitors attracted to your website. This will create brand awareness about your products everywhere.

Helpful in generating leads

One of the advantages of Pinterest is that it is helpful in converting visitors into your customers. For this, your content should be persuasive. You can make your content creation and entertain by adding memes, photos, etc. You can make adopt different strategies to make your Pinboard engaging. you should avoid being generic because it makes your content dull.

Marketing strategies for Pinterest

Distribute the Pinterest

Most of the Pinterest users like visuals instead of written content. It enables all types of content like no other app. What makes it different from other apps is that it allows the users to click on live links. It allows users to hare their content with others. Pin boards help you to save all the pins and it could be distributed among the users. There are no limits to use this board, you can organize them into different things.

For instance, it could be arranged into ideas, plans and you can also set up it under types of inspiration. Therefore, because of its feasibility with the arrangements, it becomes easier for users to find those content which they desired to. Another main feature of Pinterest is that it allows you to create a group board so that other people can also add their work. In this way, you are able to interact more with the people.

Create a community of your own

Creating an online community is a great way to share and explore new ideas. Through such groups, a lot of people who have common interests can prove to be helpful for the business. Your website traffic will be increased if your followers like your content and visite your main site. There is a two-way communication and therefore you can engage more with the users. If you make use of Pinterest smartly then you can convert the users into your customers and you can have a list of loyal customers.

Get more users by educating them

Pinterest also works excellently as an educational portal. It is not exactly an educational portal but it is filled with a lot of tutorials and informational videos making it a knowledgeable hub. A lot of users search using how to keywords and hence it is a popular keyword search too. It is rich in visuals therefore it looks more compelling for customers to learn from this platform. Consider yourself as an audience and analyze what type of content will excite you and after this share your content accordingly. You need to make sure that the product you are developing is efficient in fulfilling the needs of your customers. You must brand your products that it reaches your target audience and they become into your customers. I would like to recommend some different ways through which you can achieve your targets :

You can take a survey or feedback from your customers and ask for suggestions directly from them.

It allows you to analyze the strategies that are being used by your competitors. It will help you to adopt good strategies and you can also find out the unique work you can do.

You can do keyword analysis to understand what type of content interest the users most

You can also know what your followers like about your company by checking their pinboard list.

Boost your online traffic

You can increase your website traffic by sharing your content that directs users to come to the website. The key advantage of Pinterest is that it allows you to link your site with the visual content. Content in the form of visuals prompts more users to click on it and they are directed to your main website. Many brands rely on Pinterest marketing to promote their products by displaying the best visuals as possibly ultimately leading to increased sales.

There is a feature in Pinterest known as Pinterest widgets and buttons. It enables the users to view your profile and if they like then they will follow it too. They can view your content within seconds and interact with your page and can bookmark the content which looks relevant to them. To get this feature on your site you can use a widget builder as this will help you to create and customize your content.


1) Promoted Pins

The promoted pins are the paid advertisements in the form of visuals only. There is no video, only static images are displayed for ads. It is based on the basis of CPC which means cost per click. You need to pay only when users click on your advertisements.

2) Buyable Pins

Buyable pins shorten the procedure of purchase. Pinterest shows a variety of products and a consumer finds it inconvenient to follow a long process of buying. So, those products which you feel can be sold easily, then you can create an option of purchase. So, it becomes easy for consumers to directly purchase that product online.

3) Promoted Carousels

Promoted carousels play an important role in creating brand awareness and trust among customers. It allows us to upload multiple images about our business products. By seeing so many images of products, visitors develop a sense of security and trust in the firm. It also generates brand awareness of the product.

4) Promoted Video Pins

In this, you can add various videos, gifs, and animation to make your content more engaging. You cannot post static images with this application. You can post any moving image to your webpage.

5) Story Pins in Pinterest Marketing

Story pins are usually the videos of few seconds like 3seconds,5seeconds. It allows you to promote your content in more more innovative ways. It looks more creative than static images.

6) Promoted App Pins

Promoted app pins are the best ad for generating sales. It allows users to save some images for future reference. When users save images, they have a thought to purchase the product later on. It is said that most of the conversions are done with the help of promoted app pins. it also allows you to provide a link to your website so it is very useful in generating traffic to your website.

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What to do with Pinterest Account

It is important to create a Pinterest account. Creating the account is free, you also gain access to Pinterest Analytics and some other features which will help in marketing. You can create a profile that clearly states it as a business account, it also allows you to convert your current profile into a professional one. In this way, your content also stays safe and you do not lose access to it. If you want to reach more audience then you can make changes to Ads Manager and set up the payment mode. After upgrading it, you can show ads on Pinterest.

You should categorize the content that you share, it will be helpful for the users to find the content similar to their search query. Your content too will appear on the search results when users go to the category option and search for the content they want. So, this increases your chances of getting more views to your content.

As I said before, Pinterest is filled with a variety of visuals. So, you not only have to just post images and videos but also ensure that your content outstands everyone. It will also help in promoting your content. You should think like that why a user must prefer your content over others? So, promote your products aggressively by using the paid feature of Pinterest promoted video. make sure that your images are properly filled with the art and there is no scope of blank spaces. You can create such videos like how to use a particular product so that users can get to understand the product.


Pinterest is indeed a great app and is loved by all not only because it provides relevant information to users but it also allows businesses to advertise their products. You as a customer can discover anything new and can share it with others also. You can pin your favourite images for your future reference. Businesses can drive a lot of traffic to their website but they should be smart in creating a visual and a persuasive description on Pinterest. Since it is relatively a new app, competition is also less. So, don’t waste your time and grab this wonderful opportunity to capture a large market.

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